Curriculum Luis De Garrido
Luis De Garrido is a researcher and an independent professional who stands out for his multidisciplinary and holistic activity, and has a clear Renaissance character.
Luis De Garrido’s main professional activity is Architecture, a discipline in which he stands out internationally and in which he has more than 35 years of experience.
Luis De Garrido is one of the main references and maximum specialist in ecological, bioclimatic, self-sufficient architecture (in energy, water and food), with zero energy consumption and with an advanced singular design, capable of making its occupants happy and at a cost conventional economic. Luis De Garrido is an international benchmark, with more professional experience in sustainable architecture (he has carried out more than 300 projects), and who has written the most books on ecological, bioclimatic and self-sufficient architecture (24 books written so far).
Luis De Garrido carries out incessant research work in various fields of arts and sciences, such as: sustainable architecture, self-sufficient architecture, bioclimatic architecture with zero energy consumption, cognitive neuroscience, neurology, creativity, artificial intelligence, computational creativity, medicine, longevity, urbanism, civil and industrial engineering, ecology, industrial design, multimedia design, painting, drawing, psychology, sociology, nutrition, and literature.
Academic Record
Within many others, the following activities and degrees are worth mentioning:
– PhD in Cognitive Nerurosciences. “International mention”
Faculty of Phsycholgy. Psychobiology Department. Valencia University. Valencia. Spain
International distinction. Summa Cum Laude
Doctoral thesis: “Identifying the neurocognitive bases of creativity to increase human and computational creativity”.
Director of Doctoral Thesis: Ferran Suay i Lerma
– PhD in History of Art. “Cum Laude”. “International mention”
Faculty of History of Art. Valencia University. Valencia. Spain.
International distinction. Summa Cum Laude
Doctoral thesis: “Analysis and reconstruction in stages of the design and construction process of the old and new basilica of S. Peter in Vatican, and its surroundings”.
Director of Doctoral Thesis: Luis Arciniega
– Doctorate in Computer Engineering
Faculty of Computer Engineering. Complutense University of Madrid. Spain
Department of Artificial Intelligence
Doctoral thesis: “Modelling creativity by artificial intelligence systems. Aplications to Architectural Design”
Director of Doctoral Thesis: Juan Pavón
– Doctor “Honoris Causa”
San Martin de Porres University. Peru
“Recognizing the merits revealed throughout a lifetime as a multidisciplinary professional and researcher in the fields of engineering, architecture, creativity, cognitive neuroscience, artificial intelligence, ecology, medicine, astrophysics, evolutionary anthropology, drawing and painting.
His fervent dedication to architecture is recognized, in a professional, teaching and research way, a discipline in which he stands out internationally, becoming the main reference and maximum specialist in ecological, bioclimatic and self-sufficient architecture, with zero energy consumption, and with a advanced unique design. Being recognized as a pioneer of the new ecological paradigm in architecture ”.
Rectoral Resolution No. 971-2019-CU-R-USMP
October 10, 2019
– Doctorate Industrial Engineering
Completed Doctoral Plan: “Innovation and Industrial Improvement”
Department of Engineering Projects. E.T.S. Industrial Engineering of Barcelona.
Polytechnic University of Catalonia (U.P.C.). Spain. 1992 – 2015
Doctoral Plan completed in 1994 (3 years). Doctoral thesis in progress: “Towards a complete Industrialization and Prefabrication of Architecture”
Director of Doctoral Thesis: Jaume Font i Rubinat
– Studies of Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience (incomplete)
National Distance University (UNED). Spain. 1999 – 2005
Faculty of Psychology
– MSc. in Urban Planning
E.T.S. of Architecture of Barcelona
Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). Spain. 1991 – 1993
2 academic years 500 hours of classes
Department of Architectural Constructions-I
Final Master Project in collaboration with the IED European Institute of Design. Milan
– Doctorate in Computer Science. “Cum Laude”
Faculty of Informatics (U.P.C.). Department of Computer Science.
Complete Doctorate Plan of Artificial Intelligence. In collaboration with the C.M.U. – M.I.T. -prof. / PhD Ulrich Flemming – Francisco. Garijo. UPC – MIT – Carnegie Mellon University. 1988 – 1991
Title: “ARCHIDS. A Knowledge Based System in the core of Architectural Design”
Doctoral Thesis Director: Ulrich Flemming
– PhD in Architecture. “Cum Laude”
E.T.S. of Architecture of Valencia. ETSAV
Polytechnic University of Valencia (U.P.V.). Spain. 1987-1989
Title: “Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Composition of Architectural Objects”
Qualification obtained: “Outstanding Doctor CUM LAUDE”
Doctoral Thesis Director: Joaquín Arnau
In collaboration with José Cuena (Polytechnic University of Madrid)
– BSc in Computer Engineering
Specialty: Computer physical systems
Polytechnic University of Valencia (U.P.V.). Spain. 1984 – 1987
Faculty of Informatics
– Expert in Intelligent Building Design
Catalan Institute of Technology. ICT. 1993
Specialist Course in Intelligent Building Design
Higher School of Technology
Directorate of Continuing Education
Catalan Institute of Technology. ICT
– Smart Building Expert
Official College of Architects of Catalonia. Spain. 1988
Advanced Specialization Course
Telefónica Sistemas S.A. and Official College of Architects of Catalonia
– Real Time Programming Specialist
Advanced Specialization Course
Spanish Association of Computer Science and Automation. AEIA
Summer School IX Edition. Chipiona July 1987
– Computer Graphics Specialist
Advanced Specialization Course
Spanish Association of Computer Science and Automation. AEIA
Summer School IX Edition. Chipiona July 1987
– Computer Networks Specialist
Advanced Specialization Course
Spanish Association of Computer Science and Automation. AEIA
Summer School IX Edition. Chipiona July 1987
– Architect + MSc. In Architecture
Specialty: Architectural Building Design, and Advanced Design
6 years.
Polytechnic University of Valencia (U.P.V.). Spain. 1985
Higher Technical School of Architecture
– Specialist in conceptual modeling of information systems
Advanced Specialization Course
Spanish Association of Computer Science and Automation. AEIA
Summer School VII Edition. La Rabida July 1985
– Specialist in High Speed Computer Architecture
Advanced Specialization Course
Spanish Association of Computer Science and Automation. AEIA
Summer School VII Edition. La Rabida July 1985
– Specialist in automatic speech recognition
Advanced Specialization Course
Spanish Association of Computer Science and Automation. AEIA
Summer School VII Edition. La Rabida July 1985
– Specialist Course: “Music and Architecture”
Polytechnic University of Valencia (U.P.V.). Spain. 1984
Vice-Rectorate for University Extension
Director: Joaquín Arnau Amo
Subjects and activities carried out in the PhD programs
Doctorate in Cognitive Neurosciences (UV)
Activities carried out (program activities completed)
Lecture given: “The future of humanity”. IES Cheste.
Valencia. March 29, 2017 12 noon
Lecture given: “The future of humanity. Animals or Gods”.
XXXVI Congress of the Spanish Association of Natural Medicine. 12 hours
Lecture given: “Evolution of the human brain and the future of humanity”.
Valencia. 28 november 2017 25 hours
Lecture given: “Methods to stimulate human creativity. Cognitive analysis and identification of its neural basis”.
Valencia. 10 april 2018 3 hours
Participation IV Conference on Neurosciences
Lecture: “The neuroconitive bases of human creativity”
Psychobiology Department. University of Valencia
Valencia. 17 may 2019 30 hours
National research stay in the Department of Artificial Intelligence. Under the direction of Juan Pavón. Faculty of Informatics. Complutense University of Madrid
Madrid. January-march 2019 80 hours
International research stay at the Max Planck Institut für Kunstgeschichte in Rome and the Bibliotheca Hertziana. Under the direction of Tanja Michalsky, researcher and professor in Department III.
Rome. 19 march – 20 june 2019 3 months
National research stay in the Department of Psychobiology. University of Valencia. Under the direction of Alicia Salvador. Head of the Department of Psychobiology.
Valencia. June 2019 35 hours
Presentation in Congress: MAS Modeling of Collaborative Creative Processes
Lima, Peru 2018. 13-16 november 20 hours
Participation V Conference on Neurosciences
Lecture: “The neuroconitive bases of human creativity”
Psychobiology Department. University of Valencia
Valencia. 17 may 2020 30 hours
Experimental work in the laboratory
Laboratory work in the Department of Psychobiology under the direction of Ferran Suay. Time period: 2016-2019
Certificate signed by Ferran Suay, on May 13, 2019 800 hours
Participation in congress: International Congress of Engineering, Aeronautical Sciences, and Arquiforo.
XXIV edition: Digital transformation
Lima, Peru. 17-18 October 30 hours
Lecture given: The keys to longevity and quality of life in Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Bramante and other geniuses of the Renaissance. Medical and neurobiological factors of longevity.
XXXIX Congress of the Spanish Association of Natural Medicine.
Madrid, 15-16 october 2021 2 hours
Doctorate in History of Art (UV)
Activities carried out (program activities completed)
Methodological Specialization Seminars (50141)
“Diverse identities in Late Modern Italy” 2015-2016 8 h.
“Gender and Visuality in Contemporary Popular Culture” 2017-2018 5 h.
“Democratic History and Memory” 2017-2018 17 h.
Total 30 h.
Thesis Workshop for PhD students (50344)
I Thesis Workshop for PhD students 2015-2016 11 h.
II Thesis Workshop for PhD students 2016-2017 11 h.
Total 22 h.
Seminars / Congresses of the Department (50345)
“The Mediterranean and Europe” UJI University 2016-2017 6 h.
“Cultural manifestations of the current Far East. Show, entertainment and ideology” 2017-2018 4 h.
“Project: image and memory of the art of the past (RIMA)” 2017-2018 12 h.
“The Spanish Element in our Nationality: Spain and America in the Universal Expositions and Independence Centenaries (1876-1915)” 2017-2018 12 h.
Total 34 h.
Seminars / Congresses of other Departments (50346)
“Challenges for the Economy and Business to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals” 2016 – 2017 30 h.
Total 30 h.
International Research Stay
Max-Planck-Institut für Künstgeschichte. Bibliotheca Hertziana.
Rome. Italy
Research with Dr. Tanja Michalsky (Director Department III)
Research focused in the identificación in stages of he Design Process of the Basilica of S. Peter in Vatican
19/03/2019 – 20/06/2019 3 months
Doctorate in Computer Engineering (UCM)
Activities carried out (program activities completed)
Doctoral Research Course
Lecture given: “Modeling creativity by artificial intelligence systems.” Faculty of Computer Science. UCM. July 13, 2016
Lecture given
“Neural substrate of human creativity”. FEMEVAL Valencia. March 11, 2016
Lecture given
“General strategies to stimulate creativity.” FEMEVAL Valencia. February 15, 2016
Lecture given
“Stimulate creativity in the design process” Universidad Politécnica Valencia. ETSI Telecommunications. Assembly Hall. 4D building. March 13, 2016
Lecture given
“Identification of brain activity in very creative people.” Faculty of Informatics. UCM. GRASIA group. May 11, 2016
Lecture given
“Identification of the design process in architecture. Basic guidelines to implement an Artificial Intelligence system ”. Faculty of Informatics. UCM. GRASIA group. November 4, 2015
Lecture given
“The future of humanity”. IES Cheste. Valencia. Generalitat Valenciana. March 29, 2017
Transversal activity course
“Reptes of the economy for advising a sustainable development”. University of Valencia 23 hours. February 2, 2017 until March 9, 2017
Conference Attendance
“Programming languages. Past, present and future”. Ricardo Peña Marí. Faculty of Informatics. U.C.M. June 28, 2017
Conference Attendance
“Nonlinear methods analysis of electrophysiologic data and machine learning”. Milena Cukic University of Belgrade. Serbia Faculty of Informatics. UCM. April 20, 2017
Conference Attendance
“Artificial Intelligence to curb Cyber espionage and Cybercrime.” Ignacio Arnaldo Lucas. MIT Paternex Faculty of Informatics. UCM. April 5, 2017
Conference Attendance
“Design of interactive scenarios and learning with augmented reality for creative computing experiences”. Juan Manuel Dodero Beardo. Cadiz University. Faculty of Informatics. UCM. April 5, 2017
Conference Attendance
“Redecentralizing the web: IPFS and Filecoin.” Nicola Greco MIT Faculty of Informatics. UCM. November 23, 2017
Workshop Assistance
Workshop “Big data, networks and social analytics”. Faculty of Informatics. UCM. November 24, 2017
Conference Attendance
“Meditations on the ethical issue and the I.A.”
Ulises Cortés. CPU. Faculty of Informatics. UCM. November 24, 2017
Workshop Assistance
6th International Workshop on Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence. Faculty of Informatics. UCM. December 15, 2017
Conference Attendance
“Structural and functional neural correlates of emotional responses to music”
Gianluca Susi. Laboratory of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience. Faculty of Informatics. UCM. December 15, 2017
Conference Attendance
“New approaches in music generation from tonal and modal perspectives”
María Navarro Cáceres. Department of Computer Science – University of Salamanca. Faculty of Informatics. UCM. December 15, 2017
Conference Attendance
“New horizons of brain dynamics and art”. Guiomar Niso. Laboratory of Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience. Faculty of Informatics. UCM. December 15, 2017
Doctoral Research Day
Lecture given: “Modeling creativity by artificial intelligence systems. Applications to architectural design”. Faculty of Informatics. UCM. January 24, 2018
Doctorate in Industrial Engineering (UPC)
Subjects taken in the Doctorate Plan
Completed the complete Program (3 years. 1987-1989) (32 credits):
– Change for evolution and improvement (3 credits)
– Product Theory (4 credits)
– Ergonomic Design (4 credits)
– Environmental impact of artifacts (3 credits)
– Natural Systems (4 credits)
– Variety Organization (5 credits)
– Impact of high technologies on the future of large cities (9 credits)
Doctorate in Artificial Intelligence (UPC – MIT – CMU)
Subjects taken in the Doctorate Plan
Completed the complete program (3 years. 1987-1989) (32 credits, 320 hours):
– Methods and Tools for knowledge representation (4 credits)
– Reasoning (4 credits)
– Artificial Intelligence Planning (2 credits)
– Expert Systems in automation (2 credits)
– Heuristic Search (2 credits)
– Acquisition and organization of knowledge and learning (4 credits)
– Representation of knowledge in architectural design (9 credits)
– Supercomputers (4 credits)
– Learning (1 credit)
Doctorate in Architecture (UPV)
Subjects taken in the Doctorate Plan
Completed the complete program (2 years. 1985-1986) (32 credits, 20 hours):
– The musical analogy as the basis of harmony in the architectural theory of the Renaissance and Mannerism (4 credits)
+ Research work: “Design of a computer program to identify harmonic relationships in architectural design (in Prolog)” (4 credits)
– Optimal calculation of metal structures. Linear and non-linear programming (4 credits) + Research work: “Design of a computer program for the optimized design of metal structures (in Fortran)” (4 credits)
– Sizing of beams of great lights (4 credits)
– Restoration Philosophy (3 credits)
+ Research work: “Influences of high telecommunication technologies in the structure of cities” (9 credits)
– Artificial Intelligence and Learning (4 credits)
– Applications of the I.A. in architectural design. Current status (9 credits)
2. Awards
1991 | “Margaret Morrison Memorial”. Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh. USES. 1991. Prize awarded for contributions in the identification of the architect’s creative design process, as well as its emulation using Artificial Intelligence techniques.1999 “39 Award” (Thirty Nine Award) together with 38 other architects. The contest aimed to identify and publish the best 39 projects of the 39 most promising architects in the world with less than 39 years. California University Culver City California. USES. 1999.1999 “AVEA Award” for Quality in Architecture (IV Cycle 1999). Association of Builders and Promoters of the Valencian Community (AVEA) for the project “Model housing for the 21st Century: Ecological, Bioclimatic and Intelligent”. Spain. November 1999 |
2000 | “Model Project Award for Humanity”. ACTIO Center for Environmental Resources and Rural Tourism. Expo 2000 Hannover Commission. Pavilion of the Future. Germany. October 2000 |
2001 | “Future Home Award”. Tokyo-Yokohama Prefecture. The contest aimed to propose new types of habitats in the information age. Japan. January 2001 |
2004 | Participation in the Venice Architecture Biennale. Italy. 2004 |
2008 | “Architect of the year 2008” by the Association of Modular Metal Architecture (ISBU) (AIA) for being considered one of the most innovative architects in the world, and for its contribution to ecological, modular and containerized architecture. R4House. USES. 2008 |
2009 | “Cluster 2009 Award”, for being one of the most innovative architects in Spain. Serrada Blanco del Arte Foundation. Spain. 2009 |
2011 | “Environmental Responsibility Award”, for the design of SAYAB, as the best sustainable residential complex in Colombia and the Americas. Sustainable America Foundation. Colombia. 2011 |
2013 | “TOP 50 Award. Green Planet Architects”. 2013. USA. Luis de Garrido has received the award in 2013, and has been chosen among the best 50 architects in the world, by the International Green Planet Architects Association, for his outstanding contribution to the development and promotion of Ecological Architecture, and for his visionary projects Architectural USES. 2013 |
2019 | Doctor “Honoris Causa”
San Martin de Porres University. Peru “Recognizing the merits revealed throughout a lifetime as a multidisciplinary professional and researcher in the fields of engineering, architecture, creativity, cognitive neuroscience, artificial intelligence, ecology, medicine, astrophysics, Evolutionary anthropology, drawing and painting. His fervent dedication to architecture is recognized, in a professional, teaching and research way, a discipline in which he stands out internationally, becoming the main reference and maximum specialist in ecological, bioclimatic and self-sufficient architecture, with zero energy consumption, and with a Advanced unique design. Being recognized as a pioneer of the New Ecological Paradigm in architecture ”. Rectoral Resolution No. 971-2019-CU-R-USMP. October 10, 2019 |
3. Teaching
Among the teaching positions I have held, the following teaching positions:- Professor “Doctor Honoris Causa”
Master classes Creativity. Bioclimatic, Ecological and Self-sufficient Architecture
Since 2019
San Martin de Porres University. Peru
– Invited Professor of University Master: Technologies for Sustainable Development.
Buildings with almost zero energy consumption. New technologies for buildings.
Since 2018
Faclty of Industrial Engineering. Polytechnic University of Valencia
– Professor of the Advanced Research Master Program.
ANAS – Femeval – UA School
Since 2013. Valencia. Spain
Advanced Research and Teaching Program MAS
Subjects: Advanced Ecological, Bioclimatic and Self-Sufficient Architecture
– Visiting Professor
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) – MIT. USA
2007. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
In Collaboration as visiting Professor with MIT. Artificial Intelligence and Architectural Design Research, with Prof. Ulrich Flemming
– Visiting Professor
Master: Planning and Project of Sustainable Construction
Portuguese Catholic University. Portugal
2006 Faculty of Engineering. Lisbon
– Visiting Professor
Green Architecture Master program course
National University of Kiev. Ukraine
2006 Architecture Department. Kiev
– Director and Professor of Postgraduate Course
Postgraduate: “Sustainable Architecture and Intelligent Buildings”
ANAVIF-Sena-Corporación Construir- Universidad El Valle. Colombia
2006 Camacol (Colombian Chamber of Construction). Corporación Construir.. Cali
– Visiting Professor
Master: “Design and Sustainable Development of the City”.
Tecnológico de Monterrey. ITESM Mexico
2003 – 2005. Department of Architecture. ITESM Campus Monterrey
Lectures and several training courses
– Associate Professor
International Protocol School
2005 – 2010. Valencia
Subjects: Oratory. Psychological analysis of facial expressions
– Visiting Professor
Master: “Territorial Planning and Municipal Development”
University of San Andrés (UMSA). Bolivia
2003 Faculty of Architecture La Paz
Postgraduate Course: “Sustainable Architecture, Home Automation and Intelligent Buildings”
– Director and Professor of the Master program
Master “Intelligent Buildings and Sustainable Construction”
1999 – 2000. ANAVIF: Barcelona – Valencia – Malaga. Spain
Granted as best Master in Ecological and Bioclimatic Architecture in Europe
– Full Professor
Ramón Llull University (URL). Spain
1998 Faculty of Architecture and Engineering La Salle. Barcelona
Architectural department
Subjects: Creative Design
– Director and Professor of the Master program
Master “Sustainable Architecture and Intelligent Buildings”
Ramón Llull University (URL). FUNITEC. Spain
1997 – 1999. Faculty of Architecture and Engineering La Salle. Barcelona
– Full Professor
Ramón Llull University (URL). Spain
1996 – 1997. Faculty of Multimedia Engineering. La Salle Engineering. Barcelona
Signal Processing Department
Subjects: Design, Creativity, TV and Video, Home Automation and Intelligent Buildings
– Creator of the Curriculum of the Faculty of Architecture of La Salle
Ramón Llull University (URL). Spain
1996 – 1997. Faculty of Architecture La Salle. Barcelona
Luis de Garrido was hired by the managers of the Faculty of Engineering La Salle and the Ramón Llull University to design the Curriculum of a new Faculty of Architecture.
Luis De Garrido was chosen for his visionary project activity, based on the integration of Ecology, High Technology, Architecture and an outstanding holistic Design Concept, which leads to a New Architecture Paradigm.
Luis De Garrido created the Curriculum, which was approved immediately, and the following year the new Faculty of Architecture of the Ramón Llull University was created.
– Director and Professor of Postgraduate Course
Postgraduate: “Sustainable Architecture and Intelligent Buildings”
Ramón Llull University (URL). Spain
1996 – 1997. Faculty of Architecture and Engineering La Salle
– Associate professor
Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). Spain
1994 – 1996. E.U. Polytechnic University School. Barcelona
Department of Architectural Constructions II
Subjects: Structural Calculation
– Postgraduate Course Director
Course: “Domotics, Intelligent Buildings and Habitat Health”
Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). Spain
1994 – 1996. E.U. Polytechnic University School. Barcelona
– Associate professor
Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). Spain
1993 – 1994. Faculty of Architecture. Valencia
Department of Mechanics of the Continuous Environment and Theory of Structures
Subjects: Structural Calculation
– Associate professor
Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). Spain
1993 – 1994. Faculty of Industrial Engineering. Barcelona
Engineering Projects Department
Subjects: New Engineering design strategies
– Full Professor
Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). Spain
1989-1993. Faculty of Informatics Engineering. Barcelona
Department of Computer Languages and Systems (LSI)
Subjects: Algorithmics, Programming languages, Theoretical Computing, Artificial intelligence
– Visiting Professor
Paris-Sud University. France
- U.R.A. Computing Research Laboratory. Orsay Center. Paris
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence in Architectural Design
– Visiting Professor
Carnegie-Mellon University (CMU). USA
- Architecture Department. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Artificial Intelligence and Architectural Design Research. with Professor Ulrich Flemming. College of Fine Arts and Computer Science Department, and Engineering Design Research Center (EDRC) (CMU)
CIRIT Research Grant
– Visiting Professor
Edinburgh University. Scotland. UK
- Architectural Department. Edinburgh. Scotland. UK
EdCAAD Research Center
Artificial Intelligence in Architectural Design
Erasmus Research Grant
– Visiting Professor
École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Marseille. France
- GAMSAU Research Center. Marseilles. France
Research about new applications of Artificial Intelligence in Architectural Design
Erasmus Research Grant
– Associate Professor
Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). Spain
1987-1989. Faculty of Informatics Engineering. Barcelona
Department of Computer Languages and Systems (LSI)
Subjects: Algorithmics, Programming languages, Artificial intelligence
– Associate Professor
Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). Spain
1986-1987. Faculty of Informatics Engineering. Valencia
Department of Systems, Computers and Automation Engineering (DISCA).
Subjects: Computer Networks, Computer Architecture
– Associate Professor
Polytechnic University of Castilla-La Mancha (UPCM). Spain
1985 – 1986. Castilla – La Mancha University. Albacete
Subjects: Digital Circuits, Computer Systems
4. Books
“Manual of Ecological and Healthy Architecture”Editorial Nobuko Diseño. Spanish. 2019
Author: Luis De Garrido
ISBN. 978-16-43600369
250 pages 30 * 21cm
More than 300 illustrations
RRP: 33’00 euro
This book describes the general design methodology to obtain an ecological and healthy architecture, capable of guaranteeing the well-being and health of its occupants.
At present, the different levels of power promote disinformation in order that any product they can manufacture is accepted as “ecological”, with the purpose of encouraging their mass consumption by a sensitized, but uninformed citizen. In fact, today, as a result of this global campaign, the common citizen has come to accept as “ecological”, “healthy”, or “healthy” even products that are highly harmful to our health or the ecosystem, since they do not It has criteria that allow it to conceptually quantify its level of health and ecology.
In the same way, in the construction sector, and for the same reason, any material and technology has become healthy and ecological overnight, although many of them involve strong damage to both the natural ecosystem and human health
The only way out of this situation is to provide the architects, and professionals involved in the construction sector, with robust and legitimate evaluation criteria, and therefore access to the correct information.
To illustrate the concepts presented, some of the most recent and advanced buildings of self-sufficient, ecological and healthy architecture, designed by Luis De Garrido, are analyzed in depth.
1. Architecture and Health.
2. Pathologies associated with architecture. Sick Building Syndrome
3. Analysis of the main harmful and polluting in architecture
1. Gases
2. Volatile organic compounds VOCs
3. Suspended particles (PM10)
4. Bioparticles
5. Sound waves
6. Electromagnetic radiation
a) Ionizing radiation
b) Non-ionizing radiation
7. Ionization
4. The most damaging architectural elements for our health
to. Paintings
b. Air conditioning systems
C. Treatments of wood and wood derivatives
d. Textile coatings
and. Laminated panels and fiber cement panels
F. Insulations
g. Mechanical duct ventilation systems
h. Furniture
i. Living with smokers
5. Healthy architecture. Design methodology and building rehabilitation
to. Bioclimatic design that allows the building to self-regulate thermally
b. Natural ventilation
C. Correct lighting
d. Incorporate the least possible amount of technology
and. Correct choice of materials
6. Prevention and treatment strategies
“Manual of Advanced Ecological Architecture”
Editorial Nobuko Design. Spanish. 2017
Author: Luis De Garrido
ISBN. 978-98-74160126
354 pages 30 * 21cm
More than 300 illustrations
RRP: 33’00 euro
This book describes the conceptual basis of a new ecological paradigm in architecture, and a design process capable of achieving an architecture perfectly integrated into the ecosystem.
In the first part of the book a project methodology is established in detail, based on 39 ecological indicators, which allows the design of any type of building with the highest possible ecological level, and at the same time it can be used as an evaluation system and ecological level rating of buildings already projected, or built.
In the second part of the book, a large number of innovative projects carried out by Doctor Architect Luis De Garrido, the global maximum exponent in ecological and bioclimatic architecture, using the described methodology, and which represent different manifestations of the same paradigm, are analyzed in depth.
The book shows how to achieve an architecture with the highest possible ecological level at any time and place. An industrialized architecture based on recoverable, repairable and reusable components, which allows it to have an infinite life cycle at the lowest possible energy consumption. A bioclimatic architecture capable of thermally self-regulating and capable of providing maximum comfort to its occupants, without the need for technological devices and therefore without any energy consumption. A self-sufficient architecture capable of generating the water and the low energy that its occupants need, with the least possible amount of technological devices and at the lowest possible economic cost. A healthy architecture, which does not generate any harmful emissions, does not generate waste (even at the end of its life cycle) and is capable of educating and ensuring the happiness of its occupants.
The book has a strong academic character, and at the same time it has a strong practical character and constitutes a reference manual and an effective professional tool.
Undoubtedly, “Manual of Advanced Ecological Architecture” is a book that will inspire future generations to understand the complexity of the design process to achieve a true ecological architecture, fully integrated into the ecosystem of planet Earth.
“Social Green Housing”
Editorial Monsa. Spanish English. 2015
Author: Luis De Garrido
ISBN. 978-84-15829-84-3
144 color pages 18 * 23cm Hard cover
More than 300 illustrations
RRP: 20’00 euro
This book describes the factors that must be taken into account to achieve new and advanced types of ecological and bioclimatic social housing, capable of satisfying the needs of its occupants, and with which social housing complexes can be designed perfectly integrated into the social plot and urban cities, allowing them to evolve in the desired direction.
First, and based on the analysis of the most important social housing actions in the United States, Europe and Latin America, a list is made of the most important problems associated with social housing (poor quality, few creative projects, image devalued in the market, high dissatisfaction of the occupants, location on land of low value, distant location favoring social segregation, little functional diversity (dormitory cities), high density of the complexes, etc …).
As a result of an exhaustive comparative analysis of these problems, and based on the different satisfactory experiences that have been carried out in several cities of the planet, it is possible to identify a set of parameters to be taken into account in order to achieve the best possible typologies of social housing for each specific environment. Specifically, Luis De Garrido analyzes in this book 22 parameters that he has identified, and that he usually takes into account in his professional activity.
Finally, a design strategy is described and the parameters that must be taken into account to project social housing actions with the highest ecological and bioclimatic level possible, and capable of thermally self-regulating without any need for technological devices, and at the lowest possible price. As social housing is the architectural typology with the lowest possible economic budget, the most efficient ecological and bioclimatic actions possible should be carefully chosen, and that do not involve any economic increase.
To illustrate the concepts presented, some of the most advanced social housing complexes designed by Luis De Garrido are analyzed in depth.
“Green Container Architecture”
Editorial Monsa. Spanish English. 2015
Author: Luis De Garrido
ISBN. 978-84-15829-81-2
144 color pages 18 * 23 cm Hard cover
More than 300 illustrations
RRP: 20’00 euro
The aim of the book is to show a methodology to project a good ecological and economic architecture using containers.
The containers have been designed to store and transport goods over a long distance, and in a tight, economical and safe way. However, there is the curious coincidence that the spaces that have been designed to store and transport goods have an adequate human scale. That is, they are valid for projecting habitable spaces.
However, it should not be forgotten that the containers have not been designed to be habitable.
Therefore, the first thing to do when using containers in architecture is to ensure the minimum habitability conditions inside. Something that is not taken into account in almost all the proposals made. On the other hand, buildings have nothing “sustainable” simply because they use containers. Moreover, most buildings made with containers offer worse quality of life, and consume more energy than conventional buildings.
Therefore, Luis De Garrido analyzes all the actions that must be carried out in order to make buildings made of containers habitable, and also achieve a true sustainable architecture.
Among these actions are the following:
1. Ensure a correct and effective bioclimatic design
2. Improve thermal and acoustic behavior
3. Arrange the insulation on the outside of the architectural envelope
4. Take advantage of the enormous thermal inertia of the containers
6. Ensure waterproofing and avoid condensation
7. Healthy, ecological and easily replaceable interior finishes
8. Ensure electromagnetic balance and eliminate the “Faraday cage” effect
9. Ensure the recovery, repair and reuse of components
10. Optimize resources and materials used
11. Minimize possible emissions
12. Minimize waste generated
13. Minimize energy consumption
To illustrate the concepts presented, several advanced Luis De Garrido projects carried out with containers (R4House, Gaia-7, Anonymous-II and Happy City) are analyzed in depth, and a large number of photographs of the process are included of building construction, as well as the necessary constructive details.
“Dream Green Architecture”
Editorial Monsa. Spanish English. 2014
Author: Luis De Garrido
ISBN. 978-84-15829-78-2
144 color pages 18 * 23cm Hard cover
More than 300 illustrations
RRP: 20’00 euro
This book describes the general design strategy to achieve a “good architecture” capable of fully satisfying all our needs, capable of getting excited and capable of making us transcend as human.
Since we were born, humans try to make sense of our existence, and as we live it we shape our individuality. Each and every one of the experiences we have are reflected in our character, our personality and our own identity. In this sense, the different architectural spaces in which we have sequentially decided to inhabit have accompanied us on our vital path, conforming – without being aware of it – the idea of our own existence.
Perhaps this is the reason why we humans try at all times to achieve a more stable, safe and happy future, and whenever we do, this future is usually associated with the idea of inhabiting an ideal home, in which to create our home . A house that becomes the soundboard of our own existence, and that is capable of satisfying our physical, family, social, emotional, psychological and even spiritual needs. We usually describe this ideal home as “the home of our dreams”. And by extrapolation to an architecture that is good in every way, we usually describe it as “good architecture.”
Presumably, a “good architecture” must meet all possible parameters, well above the minimum parameters “Firmitas”, “Utilitas” and “Venustas”. But the problem lies in the fact that in most cases the architecture professionals, at the beginning of the design process, tend to minimize the number of possible parameters, in order to simplify the design problem as much as possible. As if that were not enough, they tend to give more importance to certain capricious and free parameters, established by themselves, in order to satisfy their banal personal desires, leaving aside other parameters that are fundamental for the client, for the environment, for society and for the natural ecosystem.
Therefore, this book analyzes the minimum parameters that must be met to achieve a good architecture. A good architecture capable of satisfying the personal, physical, family, social, economic, ecological, emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of its occupants. A good architecture fully integrated into the natural ecosystem.
To illustrate the concepts presented, some of the most advanced buildings, designed by Luis De Garrido, are analyzed in depth.
“Architecture and Health”
Editorial Monsa. Spanish. 2014
Author: Luis De Garrido
ISBN. 978-84-15829-74-4
144 color pages 18 * 23cm Hard cover
More than 300 illustrations
RRP: 20’00 euro
In the book, all pathogenic elements associated with architecture are analyzed with extreme rigor, and without alarmism, their impact on human health is studied and alternative materials and technologies are proposed. Similarly, when it is not possible to eliminate some of the harmful materials or technologies, the most appropriate correction mechanisms are proposed.
In the first part of the book, and with the purpose of projecting an architecture that ensures maximum health and well-being of its occupants, Luis De Garrido has identified the main damaging and polluting elements in architecture, which are the following:
1. Gases
Ozone, Radon, Carbon monoxide, Carbon dioxide, Nitric oxide, Nitrogen dioxide, Sulfur dioxide, Tobacco smoke, Electronic cigarette gases
2. Volatile organic compounds
Ammonia, Acrylonitrile, Benzene, Butadiene, Vinyl Chloride, Chlorine, Chloroform, Chlorofluorocarbons, Chlorodifluoromethane, Dioxins, Furans, Biphenyls, Styrene, Phenols, Formaldehyde, Pentachlorophenol, Polychloroethylene terethyl, Polyethylene terethyl, Chloroethylene terethyl, Chloroethylene terethyl, Chloroethyl ethane Toluene, Xylenes
3. Suspended particles (PM10)
Aluminum, Amphibole asbestos, Cadmium, Copper, Chrysotile Asbestos, Titanium Dioxide, Fiberglass, Rock wool, Mercury, Lead
4. Bioparticles
Pollen, Detritus, Mites, Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa
5. Sound waves
6.Electromagnetic radiation:
a) Ionizing radiation:
Cosmic radiation, Radioactivity, X-rays, Ultraviolet radiation
b) Non-ionizing radiation:
Light, Infrared radiation, Microwave, Telecommunication waves, Low frequency artificial electromagnetic fields, Natural electromagnetic fields, Groundwater currents
7. Ionization
In the second part of the book, and based on the analysis of these pollutants, Luis De Garrido has identified the most damaging architectural elements for our health, and which, in order of danger, are the following: Paintings, Air conditioning systems, Wood and derivative treatments, Textile coatings, Laminated panels, Fiber cement panels, Insulation, Mechanical duct ventilation systems, Furniture and Living with smokers.
Taking into account this exhaustive analysis, a design methodology is identified in the third part of the book to achieve a healthy and ecological architecture, capable of improving people’s well-being, health and quality of life.
“Extreme Bioclimatic Architecture”
Ediorial Monsa. Spanish. 2014
Author: Luis De Garrido
ISBN. 978-84-15829-55-3
112 color pages 22 * 24cm
More than 150 illustrations and 20 bioclimatic schemes
RRP: 14’90 euro
This book shows a design methodology to achieve an “extreme bioclimatic architecture”, emphasizing the necessary architectural bioclimatic strategies.
At present, terms such as “sustainable” or “ecological” have been greatly manipulated and have been adulterated to such an extent that they no longer have concrete meaning, and therefore have little use, just an opportunistic media utility. The same goes for “bioclimatic architecture,” or “passive strategies.” The terms have been adulterated to such an extent that they currently have no meaning, and any excuse, however insignificant, is enough to use them: cross ventilation (even if it is not achieved), sunscreens (even if they barely protect), etc.
However, it can go much further and an architecture capable of thermally self-regulating itself can be realized, due only to its special design and without the need for technological devices. An architecture that consumes the least possible amount of energy, and that does not have substantial economic cost overruns. An “extreme bioclimatic architecture”.
In the first part of the book, and in order to achieve an extreme bioclimatic architecture capable of thermally self-regulating itself Luis De Garrido has identified a very special architectural design methodology based on the establishment of “bioclimatic fuzzy proto-solutions”, and in the use of “bioclimatic architectural strategies”. These bioclimatic architectural strategies are nothing but configurations of several architectural elements, conveniently designed, that are able to keep a certain building warm or cool, without the need for technological devices.
In the second part of the book, Luis De Garrido analyzes in detail all the existing bioclimatic architectural strategies:
- Architectural strategies to generate heat and cold
- Architectural strategies to accumulate heat and cold
- Architectural strategies to transmit heat and cold
Finally, and to illustrate the concepts presented, some of the most recent and advanced bioclimatic buildings designed by Luis De Garrido are analyzed.
“Zero Energy Architecture”
Editorial Monsa. Spanish. 2014
Author: Luis De Garrido
ISBN. 978-84-15829-54-6
112 color pages 22 * 24cm
More than 150 illustrations and 20 bioclimatic schemes
RRP: 14’90 euro
The book describes the general design strategy to obtain an architecture of zero energy consumption, at the lowest economic cost, and with the least possible amount of artifacts.
The enormous economic interests existing in our society have completely distorted the concept of “sustainable development”, and the concept of “sustainable architecture”.
In this context, the concept of “zero energy consumption architecture” seems to imply an architecture that does not consume energy, however almost all buildings that qualify with this term have barely reduced their energy consumption, and are also full of generating devices of energy, so that the energy generated by these devices coincides with that consumed by the building. In other words, it is an architecture that has not evolved, and is full of “technological additives” that generate energy. Technological additives that have a very high price and a very low shelf life, so that in less than one generation they become waste.
However, a true “zero energy consumption architecture” can be achieved at a very low price, reversing the terms.
First of all, a refined bioclimatic design of the building must be carried out, so that it has the least possible need for energy, and therefore, the least possible need for artifacts.
Second, the few necessary artifacts should be chosen conveniently, and should be used as little time as possible. With this, a true architecture of zero energy consumption is achieved, without increasing its price, and capable of ensuring the well-being of its occupants.
To illustrate the concepts presented, the book analyzes in depth some of the most recent and advanced buildings, with zero energy consumption, by Luis De Garrido.
“Luis De Garrido. The Architect of Architecture”
International houses. Nobuko editorial. Spanish English. 2013
Author: Luis De Garrido
ISBN: 978-987-29499-1-4
72 color pages 24 * 26cm
More than 140 illustrations and 20 bioclimatic schemes
Price: $ 70
Suzanne Holt Ballard, Doctor of Architecture and Professor of Architecture at the University of Ohio (USA) states that Luis De Garrido is “The Architect of Architecture”, because he has been able to model a new paradigm in architecture, based on a deep respect and understanding of nature, and fully integrated with the ecological ecosystem.
In this sense, Luis de Garrido has been both a visionary and a pioneer, long before others, who had come to build a “living architecture”, Luis de Garrido had created architectural prototypes with an infinite, capable life cycle to be renewed, repaired and regenerated as living organisms. An architecture without emissions, with zero energy consumption, and self-sufficient in water, energy and food.
To illustrate some of the basic concepts of the new architectural paradigm proposed by Luis De Garrido, this book analyzes in detail some of his most suggestive and advanced projects.
“Architecture for Happiness”
Editorial Monsa. Spanish. 2013
Author: Luis De Garrido
ISBN 978-84-15223-93-1
96 color pages 20’3 * 20’5 cm.
More than 200 illustrations and 60 bioclimatic schemes
RRP: 12’00 euro
Achieving happiness seems to be the most important goal of all humans, although they do not know very well what it is, or how to achieve it.
In addition, people are not aware that their built environment, architecture, can provide a high degree of happiness, provided it has been conveniently designed. Therefore, in this book, Luis De Garrido summarizes a basic and proven strategy to achieve happiness, emphasizing its reducing and amplifying factors, and establishes the conceptual basis for achieving a New Architecture Paradigm, integrated in Nature, and capable to make its occupants happy.
This new paradigm must adapt to any social and cultural environment, so in each of them it will have slightly different parameters. However, and based on the above, a set of parameters common to any environment can be identified, and that are essential to foster and amplify our happiness:
1. Thermal Balance
2. Seasonal thermal variation
3. Natural lighting
4. Technological simplicity and minimum maintenance
5. Natural materials
6. Simple and non-monotonous architectural design
7. Suitable colors
8. Feeling of security and privacy
9. Beauty
10. Absence of pathogenic elements
11. Breathability
12. Stimulate personal and social relationships
13. Self-sufficiency (energy, water and food)
Taking into account all these parameters, buildings can be designed that act as a sounding board, capable of stimulating and amplifying the happiness of its occupants.
To illustrate the above, 6 innovative and advanced projects carried out by Luis De Garrido are analyzed in detail.
“Design Practice of the New Architectural Paradigm”
Editorial SYNTHESIS Architecture. Spanish English. 2013
Author: Luis De Garrido
ISBN 978-84-94009-40-2
216 color pages. 23 * 22cm
More than 300 illustrations and 40 bioclimatic schemes
Price: 29’50 euro
The first part of the book reflects on the need to establish an artificial ecosystem, which regulates the activity and products developed by the human network, and as a consequence, of a new architecture paradigm, included in said artificial ecosystem.
For this purpose, a design strategy is established, which on the one hand allows the design and construction of buildings perfectly integrated into the natural ecosystem, and on the other hand allows the evaluation of existing buildings. To define this design strategy, a set of sustainable indicators, and a set of architectural actions, as well as a project methodology and a new architectural syntax are established.
The design strategy described allows the construction of buildings based on generic industrialized components, which can be assembled with great ease, and in the same way, they can be recovered, repaired and reused an indeterminate number of times. As a result, removable, transferable, expandable and reconfigurable buildings can be obtained, which do not generate waste, and have an infinite life cycle.
However, the most important component of the book is the definition of a bioclimatic design strategy, which allows to project typologies of buildings with insignificant energy consumption, and capable of thermally self-regulating, due only to its architectural design, and without the need for technological devices . This allows to obtain self-sufficient buildings in energy, with a low economic cost.
In addition, the book describes a design strategy to achieve a self-sufficient architecture in energy, water and food, at the lowest possible economic cost.
Finally, several projects carried out by Luis De Garrido are analyzed in detail, in order to illustrate different manifestations of the same paradigm.
Due to its high conceptual level, the book is especially aimed at University professors in charge of teaching sustainable architecture subjects.
“Self-Sufficient Green Architecture”
Editorial Monsa. Spanish English. 2012
Author: Luis De Garrido
ISBN 978-84-15223-76-4
96 color pages 20’3 * 20’5 cm.
More than 150 illustrations and 60 bioclimatic schemes
RRP: 12’00 euro
The present book exposes in depth the definition and design process to realize a true self-sufficient architecture in energy, water and food, at the lowest possible price, so that it is available to most citizens.
At present, and driven by economic interests, it is intended to establish in our society an additive-technological model of ecological and self-sufficient architecture. This model consists of not improving the architecture, not educating society, and simply stimulating the consumption of a huge amount of energy-generating devices, to forcefully incorporate them into the buildings. The problem is that the manufacture, installation and maintenance of these added devices consumes a large amount of energy and resources, and generates a large amount of waste and emissions. On the other hand, these “technological additives” have a finite life cycle, so they become waste within a few years, and must be replenished continuously. As a consequence, it cannot be said, in any way, that this architecture model is neither “sustainable”, nor “ecological”, nor “self-sufficient”, given the enormous dependence on a technology with a reduced life cycle. As if that were not enough, the incorporation of the large number of necessary artifacts substantially increases the cost of the building. The same can be said regarding water, food, and any kind of human needs.
Alternatively, this book aims to strengthen the establishment of a new model of self-sufficient architecture, called “integral architectural model.” This model consists in substantially improving the design of buildings, educating society, and integrating as few technological additives as possible into the architecture. Only by educating society can the behavior and customs of each individual be modified, and in this way, their needs (energy, water, and resources) can be rethought and reduced, and only by better designing the buildings can it be drastically reduced its consumption of energy, water and resources in general. In this way, the resulting buildings have very little need for energy, so it can be generated by a minimum amount of technological devices, at a very low economic cost, and accessible to most of society. Similarly, buildings can generate water and basic food capable of ensuring the survival of their occupants.
To illustrate this integral architectural model, the book analyzes 5 innovative and visionary projects of ecological and self-sufficient architecture (in energy, water and food), carried out by Luis De Garrido.
“Green in Green.” “Green roofs and vertical gardens”
Editorial Monsa. Spanish English. 2012
Author: Luis De Garrido
ISBN. 978-84-15223-41-2
96 color pages 20’3 * 20’5 cm.
More than 150 illustrations and 60 bioclimatic schemes
RRP: 12’00 euro
This book aims to show the possibilities of vegetation as an additional compositional element in ecological architecture, making an exhaustive analysis of all types of landscaped roofs and vertical gardens.
Vegetation, used correctly, can be an advantage to achieve an ecological and bioclimatic architecture (reducing energy consumption, releasing oxygen into the atmosphere, improving air quality, …) and can have a multiplier effect in terms of integration with nature However, if the vegetation is used incorrectly, it can have a significant negative environmental impact (huge water consumption, difficulty in recycling the water used, death of plants due to irrigation deficiencies, promotion of parasites, high energy consumption…. ).
Therefore, the book begins by establishing technical and environmental requirements that must be met by building envelopes in order to guarantee maximum energy efficiency and the well-being of its occupants. Based on this, the book analyzes the different types of landscaped roofs and vertical gardens with the utmost rigor and detail, and provides a large number of bioclimatic schemes in which the behavior of a landscaped roof is analyzed according to its composition. , the number of layers, their insulation and their thermal inertia. In addition, all kinds of construction details are provided.
On the other hand, the book includes several lists with the most suitable plant species to be used both in landscaped roofs and vertical gardens. Finally, the book describes a visionary proposal patented by Luis De Garrido, the “vegetable curtain wall”
“A New Paradigm in Architecture”
Editorial Monsa. Spanish. 2012
Author: Luis De Garrido
ISBN 978-84-152-2375-7
528 color pages. 31 * 24’5 cm. Hard cover
More than 1,500 illustrations and 150 bioclimatic schemes
RRP: 29’90 euro
The book “A New Paradigm in Architecture” describes the conceptual basis of a new paradigm in architecture, and a design process capable of achieving an advanced ecological architecture, perfectly integrated into Nature.
In the first part of the book a general strategy is established in detail to achieve an architecture perfectly integrated in the natural ecosystem, which allows the design of any type of building, and that at the same time can be used as an evaluation system of its environmental effectiveness . For this purpose, a set of ecological indicators and architectural strategies are necessary to achieve an integrated architecture in Nature, at the lowest possible price. Finally, the 39 ecological indicators are exhaustively analyzed, in order to offer a detailed vision of the foundations of a new architecture paradigm, and thus facilitate the adoption of new design strategies.
In the second part of the book a new project methodology is proposed that allows to achieve a new architecture integrated in the natural ecosystem. This methodology also allows the creation of creative cognitive networks, and is able to use even the different search engines of the global network in order to enrich the architectural design process, reduce the arbitrary component of any design, and stimulate creativity. This general project methodology includes an innovative bioclimatic design methodology, in order to achieve an architecture capable of thermal self-regulation, only by its own design, and without the need for technological devices.
In the third part of the book, 58 innovative projects carried out by Luis De Garrido are analyzed in depth, using the described project methodology, and which represent different manifestations of the same architectural paradigm.
The study of each of the projects includes a general statement of its objectives, its ecological analysis, the study of the bioclimatic strategies used and its most outstanding innovations. However, the most important and relevant aspect of the book is the exhaustive bioclimatic analysis of each project.
This analysis shows that it is possible to control the thermal and environmental conditions inside the buildings, simply by purely architectural decisions, without the need for technological devices. Without a doubt, one of Luis De Garrido’s most important contributions to contemporary architecture.
In short, the book shows how to achieve a new and advanced architecture integrated into a new artificial ecosystem, in turn integrated into the natural ecosystem. An architecture with a high bioclimatic level, with an infinite life cycle, with zero energy consumption, with zero level of emissions, self-sufficient in energy, self-sufficient in water, and even – in specific cases – self-sufficient in food.
The book features the prologue of some of the most prestigious architects, and experts in ecological and bioclimatic architecture, such as: Ken Yeang, Mario Cucinella, Jacob van Rijs (MVRDV), Jonathan Hines, Suzanne Holt, Antonio Lamela, Emilio Ambasz, David Kirkland, Paloma Sobrini, Alfonso Palafox and Francesca Sorricarro, as well as the former Minister of Environment of Spain, Cristina Narbona. Personalities that, without a doubt, legitimize and guarantee the great quality and high utility of the book.
The book has a strong academic character, and at the same time has a strong practical professional character, and constitutes a reference manual and an effective professional tool, for all architects who wish to face the ecological and bioclimatic project of any architectural typology.
Without a doubt, “A New Paradigm in Architecture” is a book that will inspire future generations to understand the complexity of the architectural design process, and accept the challenge of making an architecture truly integrated into Nature.
“Sustainable Architecture with Containers”
Editorial Monsa. Spanish English. 2011
Author: Luis De Garrido
ISBN. 978-84-152-2335-1
96 color pages 20’3 * 20’5 cm.
More than 150 illustrations and 60 bioclimatic schemes
RRP: 12’00 euro
The aim of the book is to show a methodology to design a true ecological architecture using containers.
The containers have been designed to store and transport goods over a long distance, and in a tight, economical and safe way. However, there is the curious coincidence that the spaces that have been designed to store and transport goods have an adequate human scale. That is, they are valid for projecting habitable spaces.
However, the containers have not been designed to be habitable and, therefore, the first thing to do when using containers in architecture is to ensure the minimum habitability conditions inside. Something that is not taken into account in practically all the proposals made, which actually constitute a camouflaged “neo-barraquismo”, so that they are accepted by society. On the other hand, the buildings have nothing “sustainable” or “ecological”, simply because they use containers. Moreover, most buildings made with containers offer worse quality of life, and consume more energy than conventional buildings.
Therefore, in the book Luis De Garrido analyzes all the actions that must be enhanced in order to make buildings made with containers habitable, and also achieve a true sustainable architecture.
The book has a strong educational value and training, but at the same time it is a professional and effective tool for all architects and builders, who wish to deal with the ecological design of buildings made by containers.
Without a doubt, “Sustainable Architecture with Containers” is a book that will inspire future generations to understand the complexities of the ecological architectural design process, and accept the challenge of making an architecture truly integrated into nature.
“Excellent Choice”
Editorial Olesya Uteva. Russian / English 2011
Author: Luis De Garrido et al.
ISBN 978-1-56592-479-6
60 color pages 30 * 21cm
More than 150 illustrations
It is a simple book that aims to promote the real estate development of green architecture in Russia and the Arab countries. The book is written in Russian and English, and it analyzes in detail the most exclusive, symbolic and luxurious homes of Luis De Garrido, such as: Beardon Eco-House, Torres Eco-House, Nuñez Eco-House, Seve Eco-House, Villazón Eco-House, Green2House, Carolina Eco-House, Green Box, Eye of Horus Eco-House, ec….
The book shows the advantages of an ecological, bioclimatic and self-sufficient architecture for the wealthiest and most privileged people on the planet, and presumably they would not have to be interested in humility, energy savings, emissions reduction, waste reduction etc … .
Ecological architecture not only helps the human being to evolve in perfect balance with the natural ecosystem, but also provides an enormous quality of life; offers an enormous intellectual stimulus; It ensures the health, well-being and happiness of its occupants, and facilitates our transcendence as human beings. A message that no doubt perfectly understands the most privileged people.
“Artificial Nature Architecture”
Editorial Monsa. Spanish English. 2011
Author: Luis De Garrido
ISBN 978-84-152-2319-1
96 color pages 20’3 * 20’5 cm.
More than 150 illustrations and 60 bioclimatic schemes
RRP: 12’00 euro
The aim of the book is to analyze some of the most innovative projects of ecological architecture that Luis De Garrido has done in the last two years (2009-2011), materializing his own concept of “Artificial Natures”
Luis de Garrido has matured in recent years a new innovative concept in architecture, integrated into a new artificial ecological system that has its own rules, and is developed in parallel with the natural ecological system.
Immersed in this artificial ecosystem, Luis De Garrido has signed a new architecture paradigm capable of using a set of industrial architectural elements, ideal for creating buildings that have an infinite life cycle, and whose components can be recovered, repaired and reused in a continuous and permanent way, without producing waste and emissions. In the same way, these buildings can grow, they can move, move and biodegrade, just like living organisms. In addition, they have a really very low energy consumption, and the energy consumed has a natural origin (solar and geothermal, which is the same energy used by nature’s organisms).
Without a doubt, “Artificial Nature Architecture” is a book that will inspire future generations to understand the complexities of the sustainable architectural design process, and accept the challenge of making an architecture truly integrated into nature.
“Container Atlas”
Gestalten Publishing. English. 2010
Author: Luis De Garrido, Buchmeier, Slawik, Tinney, Bergmann et al.
ISBN 978 – 3 – 89955 – 286 – 7
256 color pages 31 * 24’5 cm. Hard cover
Container Atlas presents a wide range of contemporary container-based projects, including several advanced ecological projects carried out by Luis de Garrido.
The containers are modular, affordable and virtually indestructible, so they are increasingly being used to build temporary structures such as pavilions, offices, galleries and bars that can be easily moved if necessary. This phenomenon has a name: architecture with containers.
The book illustrates how containers can be used as compositional blocks to realize an architecture capable of accommodating the daily life and special events of urban nomads. Because the buildings built with containers are not intended to be permanent, their architecture has an ephemeral and playful nature, in tune with the current trend in architecture. The book shows buildings dedicated to advertising, pop-up stores, and temporary exhibitions that are built using this approach, as well as homes and offices with sophisticated spaces. Containers can be used in both urban and rural environments, and they are a provocation, a source of inspiration and involve the establishment of new aesthetic and functional standards.
The book includes several detailed reports by several experts and explains the historical development of the use of containers in architecture, describes the projects analyzed, analyzes their economic cost, and suggests concrete solutions to common problems. The book also describes the different types of containers that are currently used, both with a standard structure and those that can be custom-made based on modular components.
Container Atlas is an indispensable reference and a source of inspiration for architects, urban planners and cultural curators, as well as event promoters and marketing managers, to guide them when deciding what type of containers are most suitable for their next projects.
“Bioclimatic Architecture”
Editorial Monsa. Spanish English. 2009
Author: Luis De Garrido et al.
ISBN 978-84-96823-41-9
240 color pages 31 * 24’5 cm. Hard cover
More than 1,000 illustrations and 60 bioclimatic schemes
Performing a bioclimatic design in architecture implies being intelligent and meditating on how we use energy, water and materials in order to make a new innovative and contemporary architecture capable of guaranteeing our well-being, and therefore without using materials harmful to the environment.
This book teaches us that when creative processes are used in combination with social, cultural and environmental systems, modern architecture is able to meet the artistic and functional needs of today’s society without compromising the needs of future generations.
The book has great professional utility and analyzes in depth several projects by Luis De Garrido, and includes a wide variety of construction details, compositional schemes and bioclimatic behavior schemes.
“Green Homes.” “New Ideas for Sustainable Living”
Collins Design HarperCollins editorial. English. 2007
Author: Luis De Garrido et al.
ISBN 978-0-06-134826-6
192 color pages 29’5 * 24’5 cm. Hard cover
More than 1,000 illustrations and 60 bioclimatic schemes
Exploring the world of ecological architecture, this book is an essential tool for architects and owners.
The book analyzes more than 20 projects, including several advanced ecological and bioclimatic projects by Luis De Garrido, and includes a huge number of plans, compositional schemes and bioclimatic schemes.
New Green Homes presents the latest innovations in architecture and sustainable design. Selected projects include apartments, lofts and single-family homes, which show various aspects of ecological design: from their ecological and economic benefits to the factors that must be taken into account when choosing materials, such as the amount of energy needed to the manufacture of the materials; its ecological level; the life cycle of materials; and the question of whether the materials used can be recycled or disposed of safely when they decompose over time.
Specific topics discussed include: thermal control systems, drainage systems, and urban and territorial planning methodologies. Each project contains several photographs, plants, elevations, sections, as well as a large number of detailed plans that illustrate its sustainable characteristics, and at the same time reveal that the number of ecological design parameters has increased considerably in just a few years.
For architects committed to design quality and ecology New Green Homes is a book as moving as it is refreshing. It is the perfect resource for owners, designers, architects and all clients interested in creating warm and welcoming homes, with much less environmental impact than conventional constructions.
“Analysis of Sustainable Architecture Projects”
“Artificial Natures 2001-2008”
McGraw-Hill editorial. Spanish. 2008
Author: Luis De Garrido
ISBN 978-84-481-6802-5
485 color pages. 31 * 24’5 cm. Hard cover
More than 1,200 illustrations and 120 bioclimatic schemes
RRP: 45’00 euro
It is an ambitious book whose main objective is the establishment of the conceptual bases to achieve an architecture with the highest possible ecological level, as well as the proposal of a general methodology for the development of ecological architectural projects.
The first part of the book establishes the ecological indicators and the architectural strategies necessary to achieve an architecture with the highest ecological level, at the lowest possible price.
In the second part of the book, the 39 ecological indicators are comprehensively analyzed, the study of which offers a comprehensive, complete and detailed overview of the fundamentals of ecological architecture, and allows the adoption of different architectural actions and different architectural design strategies.
In the third part of the book, a general methodology of ecological architectural design based on both the ecological indicators and the actions and strategies defined in the previous section is proposed.
Finally, in the fourth part of the book 64 projects carried out by Luis De Garrido are analyzed in depth, to illustrate how the general methodology of ecological architectural design described above has been applied in each of them. This analysis also shows that it is possible to control the thermal conditions inside the buildings simply by designing them correctly, without the need to use technological devices. Without a doubt, one of Luis de Garrido’s most important contributions to contemporary architecture.
The book has a strong educational and formative character and at the same time constitutes a professional and effective tool for all architects who wish to face the ecological project of any architectural typology.
“R4House: Reuse, Recover, Recycle and Reason”
ANAVIF editions. Spanish. 2007
Author: Luis De Garrido
Legal Deposit V-2252-2007
232 color pages 30 * 21cm
More than 800 illustrations and 50 bioclimatic schemes
RRP: 20’00 euro
The book has as its first objective the invitation to meditate, once again, on the stupid way of life of our current society, tuned exclusively by the interests of a few companies, a few religions and a few wealthy families. The desire for power and wealth of a few has enormous side effects, such as widespread waste, consumerism, promotion of mediocrity, huge energy consumption, and especially the huge amount of waste generated. To make us meditate on this topic Luis De Garrido proposed to make an attractive house based solely on waste and discarded marine containers: R4House. He built it in just 3 months and exhibited it in Barcelona, where some 70,000 people were surprised about how much can be done using simply what we have decided to throw in the trash.
With this premise, Luis De Garrido first establishes a general methodology to achieve an architecture with the maximum possible ecological level, perfectly integrated into the natural ecosystem.
Second, the book establishes a design methodology to achieve an ecological architecture using exclusively industrial and urban waste.
Third, the book establishes a methodology to achieve an ecological and bioclimatic architecture using exclusively marine containers.
Finally, the book thoroughly analyzes the design and construction process of R4House, including photographs of the construction process, as well as all kinds of construction details, drawings and compositional schemes.
“Methodology of optimization of metal structures, and development of the necessary software”
McGraw-Hill editorial. Spanish. 1990
Author: Luis De Garrido
Legal Deposit V-1324-1990
313 pages 31 * 24’5 cm.
RRP: 20’00 euro
The book describes a strategy to optimize the design of steel structures.
Once the conventional design of a particular structure is completed, some elements may be thicker, longer, thinner or shorter than strictly necessary. Or its resulting elements may not correspond to the desired profiles. Even the resulting form may not meet purely aesthetic requirements.
Therefore, a certain structure can be improved through a general optimization process to meet additional specifications, such as: lower economic cost, lower weight, lower thickness, shorter length, use of a certain family of profiles, … The final result of this The process is excellent in every way, and steel structures are obtained with the lowest possible weight, and with the lowest possible economic cost.
The book also shows the algorithms of the optimization process and the source code implemented in the Fortran and Pascal programming languages.
5. Research
I carry out research activity, in a wide variety of disciplines, personally, although I have a group of regular collaborators, especially in the disciplines of creativity, ecological and bioclimatic architectural design and artificial intelligence. In the same way, I have collaborated, and collaborated, with several Universities (European and American), in the following disciplines:- Self-sufficient Architecture- Bioclimatic architecture with zero energy consumption
– Ecological Architecture
– Architecture and Happiness
– Architecture and Health
– Creativity
– Eco-Urbanism
– History of art
– Artificial intelligence
– Medicine (endocrinology, longevity, …)
– Cognitive Neuroscience
– Cognitive Design Process
– Prospective
6. Articles
Below I provide a brief list of some of the most important articles I have written. I am currently preparing 10 new articles for indexed journals.I must add that I have given more than 200 national and international conferences in different congresses (of different subjects, especially design, architecture with zero energy consumption, sustainability, artificial intelligence), and most of these conferences were published in the “Proceedings” of the same. There are so many Congresses in which publications have been made based on my lectures that I only point out some of the most important in the attached photocopies.- Archea, J., & De Garrido, L. (1987). Puzzle Making: what architects do when no one is looking. In The computability of design. Y. Kalay. Wiley 1987
– De Garrido, L. (1987a). Influences of Telematics in Architecture, Urbanism and future social life. Proceedings International Congress Home Interactive Telematic. Amsterdam. North Holland. 1987
– De Garrido, L. (1987b). Introduction of decentralized urban models in large historical cities. Internal restructuring and growth. Proceedings International Congress IFHP 87 (International Federation for Housing and Planning). Seville, October 1987
– De Garrido, L., & Garijo, F. (1988a). Automatic approach to the design process of single-family houses with a square floor plan. Proceedings Iberamia 88 Congress. Barcelona. 1988
– De Garrido, L., & Garijo, F. (1988b). A knowledge based system for house design. Proceedings IEEE 88 Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Pekin. 1988
– De Garrido, L. (1988c). Proposal for an Intelligent Design System that emulates the creative activity of the architect. Working paper. Department of Computer Languages and Systems. Faculty of Informatics. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. 1988
– De Garrido, L. (1988d). Towards Telematic City. Proceedings International congress IFHP 88. The Hague. May 1988
– De Garrido, L. (1988e). Internal Restructuring through decentralized models in the great historical cities. Proceedings International congress on intervention in historic centers. Toledo 1988
– De Garrido, L. (1989a). Introspective study of the design process in architecture. Perspectives of Artificial Intelligence. In Punto y Plano. 5-6. 1989
– De Garrido, L. (1989b). A general approach to architectural design. Proceedings International congress Civil Engineering Expert Systems. European Civil Engineering European Cursus program. 6-10 February 1989.
– De Garrido, L. (1989c). Knowledge acquisition by induction of specific examples. Case of layout generation for square shaped houses. Proceedings Third IFIP W.G. 5.2. Workshop on Intelligent CAD. Osaka Japan 1989
– De Garrido, L. (1989d). Knowledge based systems in Architectural design. Proceedings International Congress IFHP 89. Chiba. Japan 1989
– De Garrido, L. (1989e). The role of knowledge based systems in the core of architectural design. In Revue of CFAO et dïnfographie. Volume 4, No. 4. Hermes. 1989
– De Garrido, L., & Garijo, F. (1989f). ARCHIDS: An intelligent system for the design of floor plants layouts using grids and composition lines. Proceedings II International Congress on Computer Aided Design in Architecture and Civil Engineering. Barcelona. 1989
– De Garrido, L. (1989). Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the composition of architectural objects. Doctoral Thesis. Faculty of Architecture. Polytechnic University of Valencia
– De Garrido, L. (1991). ARCHIDS. A Knowledge Based System in the core of Architectural Design. PhD Director: Ulrich Flemming. Doctoral thesis. LSI and Computer Sciene Department. Artificial Intelligence UPC – MIT- Carnegie Mellon. 1991
– De Garrido, L. (1995a). Rational evolution of the traditional electrical installation to Domotics (I). In Montajes e Instalaciones. Editorial Alción. May 1995
– De Garrido, L. (1995b). Cooling ceilings. The ideal complement for the bioclimatic architecture (I). In Montajes e Instalaciones. Editorial Alción. July / August 1995
– De Garrido, L. (1995c). Rational evolution of the traditional electrical installation to Domotics (II). In Montajes e Instalaciones. Editorial Alción. September 1995
– De Garrido, L. (1995d). Cooling ceilings. The ideal complement for the bioclimatic architecture (II). In Montajes e Instalaciones. Editorial Alción. October 1995
– De Garrido, Luis (1996a). Rational evolution of the traditional electrical installation to Domotics (III). In Montajes e Instalaciones. Editorial Alción. May 1996
– De Garrido, L. (1996b). Rational evolution of the traditional electrical installation to Domotics (IIIb). In Montajes e Instalaciones. Editorial Alción. October 1996
– De Garrido, L. (1996c). Rational evolution of the traditional electrical installation to Domotics (IV)”. In Montajes e Instalaciones. Editorial Alción. November 1996
– De Garrido, L. (1998). The Intelligent Buildings of the Future. Between ecology and high technology (I). In Montajes e Instalaciones. Editorial Alción. December 1998
– De Garrido, L. (1999a). ¡Dejemos la domótica en paz!. In Montajes e Instalaciones. Editorial Alción. January 1999
– De Garrido, L. (1999b). The Intelligent Buildings of the Future. Between ecology and high technology (II). In El mundo de la domótica. May 1999
– De Garrido, L. (2011). Evolutionary Leap in the Design of Sustainable Architecture. International Course and Congress CASES 11. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. I.S.B.N 978-84-615-2628-4
– De Garrido, L., & Pavón, J. (2018a). M.A.S. Modeling of Collaborative Creative Processes. 16th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence IBERAMIA 2018, 13-16 November 2018, Trujillo, Peru
– De Garrido, L., & Pavón, J. (2018b). Modeling of Collaborative Creative Design Processes. Volume 11238 of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. October 23
– De Garrido, L., Pavón, J., & Gomez Sanz, J. (2019). Agent-based Modeling of Collaborative Creative Processes with INGENIAS. AI Communications, 32(3), 223- 233.
– De Garrido, L., Pavón, J., & Gomez Sanz, J. (2021a). Foundations for the design of a creative system based on the analysis of the main techniques that stimulate human creativity. In International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 1-13.
– De Garrido, L. (2021b). Conceptual design of a Creative Artificial Intelligence System based on the neural substrate of human creativity in the brain. Creativity Research Journal HCRJ.
– De Garrido, L. (2022a). Geometric relationships, dimensional deduction and sequential stages of the design process followed by Apollodorus of Damascus in the project of the Pantheon of Rome. (Submitted and under review)
– De Garrido, L. (2022b). Identification of the design process and the compositional mesh of the ‘Vitruvian man’, by Leonardo da Vinci. Applications for architectural design. (Submitted and under review)
– De Garrido, L. (2022c). Reconstruction of the stages of the design process and architectural definition of the project of the old basilica of Saint Peter in Vatican. (Submitted and under review)
7. Professional Experience
Architect in the exercise of the profession since 1985. (
I carry out my professional activity in Spain, Colombia, United States and Brazil, among other countries. I have had two architecture studies in Barcelona and Valencia. I currently direct a single studio in Valencia. I have carried out projects for public administration and for private promoters.
My professional activity as an architect aims to satisfy, in a holistic and creative way, all possible architectural conditions for a particular cultural, social and environmental environment. However, it is especially relevant in the following aspects:
– Architecture with the highest possible ecological level
– Self-sufficient architecture (water, energy, food)
– Bioclimatic architecture capable of thermal self-regulation
– Architecture with zero energy consumption
– Architecture with the lowest possible economic cost
– Architecture that guarantees the health and happiness of its occupants
– Symbolic architecture with unique design
– Architecture capable of exciting and transcending its occupants
From an ecological point of view, I have formalized a New Architecture Paradigm, perfectly integrated into the natural ecosystem, and capable of satisfying the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of its occupants, and in general, of society. This paradigm has a clear parallel with the Natural Ecosystem, consisting of a huge variety of living organisms, despite being composed of a small number of components (atoms and cells). These organisms can grow, decrease and modify throughout their life, and their components can return to their ecosystem to reconstitute new organisms. All fed only with natural energy.
Alternatively, this new paradigm allows the construction of all types of buildings, based on a reduced set of industrialized architectural components. The variety of necessary standardized components must be sufficient to allow the construction of any type of building, and in turn it is as small as possible in order to minimize the energy consumption in its manufacture, and so that they can be used in the as many buildings as possible. These components must have a special design so that they can be easily assembled and disassembled from each other, and therefore can be recovered, repaired and reused, continuously and permanently.
As a result, my buildings are integrated into the natural ecosystem and have an infinite life cycle, since they are composed of a reduced set of industrialized components that can be easily assembled and disassembled, using screws and clips, and without need of using welds, mortars or glues. In this way, all components can be recovered, repaired and reused as many times as desired, which allows buildings to grow, decrease, reconfigure and disassemble easily. As a result, its buildings can have an infinite life cycle, without generating any type of waste or emissions, neither in its construction, nor in its maintenance.
In addition, my buildings usually are self-sufficient in energy and water, and in most cases, in food, at a conventional economic cost. The advanced bioclimatic design of my buildings allows them to be self-regulating thermally (guaranteeing the well-being of their occupants), without the need for technological devices and without generating any type of emissions. As a result, their buildings have a very low energy consumption and therefore can be self-sufficient in energy at a conventional price, since they hardly need to incorporate energy-generating devices. Water self-sufficiency is achieved by minimizing water consumption, recycling and reusing gray water generated by the buildings themselves, and using natural sources of water (rain and underground sources).
With these premises, I have completed more than 300 projects (including about 7,000 houses). (See details of these projects at
Among my most advanced projects, the following stand out:
– ACTIO. Environmental Research Center Considered as “Exemplary Architectural Project for Humanity”, by the Commissioner of the Expo 2000 in Hannover (Germany). Valencia. Spain
– Anonymous-I Eco-House. Global portable and Self-sufficient Eco-House made by only one container. Barcelona. Spain
– Anonymous-II Eco-House. Global portable and Self-sufficient Eco-House made by only one container. Barcelona. Spain
– Berimbau Eco-Tower. Telecommunications Tower for the Olympic Games of Rio de Janeiro 2016 (self-sufficient in energy and water). Rio de Janeiro. Brazil
– Bio-Tecnopolis. Self-sufficient Eco-City. Cali. Colombia
– Carolina Eco-House. Self-sufficient Eco-House. Malaga. Spain
– Casas del Rio Restaurant. Self-sufficient Green Restaurant. Valencia. Spain
– Ecópolis-Valencia. Self-sufficient Eco-City. Valencia. Spain
– Ecópolis-Bogota. Self-sufficient Eco-City. Bogota Colombia
– El Rodeo Eco-City. Self-sufficient social Eco-City. Cali. Colombia
– Eye of Horus Eco-House. Ecological and self-sufficient house, with zero energy consumption. Seduce Adasy Island. Turkey
– Ferran Adriá Eco-House. Self-sufficient Eco-House. Girona Spain
– Gaia-1. The most advanced Eco-House in Spain. Valencia. Spain
– Gaia-2. The most advanced Eco-House in Spain. Valencia. Spain
– Gaia-7. Low cost Eco-House made by containers. Barcelona. Spain
– Geode 2055. Self-sufficient Eco-City. Mondragon Spain
– Green Box (considered as the best global reference in bioclimatic and sustainable architecture). Self-sufficient green house made by green. Barcelona. Spain
– Green2House. Self-sufficient Eco-House. Shoeburness London UK
– Happy City. Self-sufficient Green Container City, for Patch Adams. Gesundheit institute area. Pocahontas County. West Virginia USES.
– I-Sleep Eco-Hotel. Sustainable, disassembled and portable low-cost Hotel chain. The first hotel was built during the Expo 2008. Zaragoza. Spain
– Japan Spirit Eco-Skyscraper.
– Lliri Blau. Social Green Housing Complex. Valencia. Spain
– The Llum Eco-Skyscraper. Finalist “Ground Zero” competition. Manhattan. USES
– Magic Forest. Self-sufficient Eco-Shoping Center. Seville. Spain
– Butterfly Eco-House. Self-sufficient Eco-House. Cali. Colombia
– Nadal Eco-House. Self-sufficient Eco-House. Majorca. Spain
– Neopolis. Social Housing Eco-Skyscraper. Mexico DF. Mexico
– One-Zero Eco-House. Ecological and self-sufficient house. Barcelona. Spain
– Phyram Eco-Building. Geothermal Energy Research Center. Santander Spain
– Pontmare Twin Eco-Skyscrapers. Twin Eco-Towers. Valencia. Spain
– Ramat Eco-House. Bioclimatic, ecological and self-sufficient house (water, energy and food). Valencia. Spain
– Red Green Square. Green restructuring of Red Green Square and Zaryadye park. Moscow Russia
– Rose Line Eco-Building. Self-sufficient building over the sea. UK
– R4House. Eco-House made by containers and. Barcelona. Spain
– Sayab. Social Green Housing Complex. Awarded as the best and greenest housing complex in the Americas, by Fundación América Sostenible. Cali. Colombia
– Vitrohouse. The first Eco-House in the world made only by glass. Barcelona. Spain
– Vert Moulin Rouge. Paris. France
– 33 VIP BIP. 33 Advanced Self-sufficient Eco-Houses. A future architectural Legacy.
2004 – 2005 | “Artificial Natures I”. International Exhibition of Ecological Architecture of Luis De Garrido. Prince Felipe Museum. City of Arts and Sciences. Valencia. Spain. June 2, 2004 – May 2, 2005.
Approximate number of visitors: 3,500,000 |
2005 | “Artificial Natures II”. International Exhibition of Ecological Architecture of Luis De Garrido. International Construmat Construction Fair 2005. Interior of Vitrohouse. Barcelona. Spain. April 2005
Approximate number of visitors: 20,000 |
2005 | “Sex and the Angels I”. Exhibition of drawings and paintings by Luis De Garrido. Exhibition hall of the Cultural Center of the City of Monserrat. Valencia. June 2005
Approximate number of visitors: 2,000 |
2005 | “Artificial Natures III”. National Exhibition of Sustainable Architecture projects of Luis de Garrido. Proartes Hall, Cali. Colombia. November 9-11, 2005.
Approximate number of visitors: 2,000 |
2005 – 2006 | “Artificial Natures IV”. International Exhibition of Ecological Architecture. Centro Nero. Amsterdam. Holland. December 2006
Approximate number of visitors: 1,500,000 |
2006 – 2007 | “Artificial Natures V”. International Exhibition of Ecological Architecture of Luis De Garrido. Maloka center. Bogota Colombia. June 2006 – February 2007.
Approximate number of visitors: 1,000,000 |
2006 | “Sex and the Angels I”. Exhibition of drawings and paintings by Luis De Garrido. Exhibition hall of the ArtCurial Gallery. Paris. May 2006
Approximate number of visitors: 4,000 |
2007 | “Artificial Natures VI”. International Exhibition of Ecological Architecture of Luis De Garrido. International Construction Fair Construmat 2009. Interior of R4House. Barcelona. Spain. May 14-19, 2007.
Approximate number of visitors: 50,000 |
2009 | “Artificial Natures VII”. International Exhibition of Ecological Architecture of Luis De Garrido. International Construction Fair Construmat 2009. Interior of Green Box. Barcelona. Spain. April 19-25, 2005.
Approximate number of visitors: 70,000 |
2010 | “Towards other architectures: 24 model projects of sustainable architecture”. Canal Foundation Madrid. May 25, 2010 – July 25, 2010.
The best international exhibition of Sustainable Architecture, with projects by some of the best architects committed to green architecture: Richard Rogers, Norman Foster, Emilio Ambasz, Mario Cucinella, Luis De Garrido, Jonathan Hines, David Kirkland, Antonio Lamela, Ortiz-Leon, MVRDV and Ken Yeang. Approximate number of visitors: 20,000 |
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