Research Luis De Garrido

Luis De Garrido Research

The scientific character of Luis De Garrido leads him to his insistant learning activity and research, especially in the field of architecture.

The research activity was developed personally, but he has a group of regular contributors, especially in the areas of creativity, (ecological and bioclimatic architectural design) and artificial intelligence. Similarly, he has collaborated and collaborates with several universities in the following disciplines:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Architecture and Happiness
  • Architecture and Health
  • Bioclimatic Architecture
  • Cognitive Neuroscience and Neurobiology
  • Cognitive Design Process
  • Ecological Architecture
  • Creativity
  • Eco-Urbanism
  • Medicine (Endocrinology, longevity …)
  • Self-Sufficient Architecture

Luis De Garrido has published two doctoral theses (in Architecture and Computer Engineering) and has done three doctoral programs (in Architecture, Industrial Engineering and Computer Science). At present he is completing a third doctoral thesis in Artificial Intelligence.

Since 2011, Luis De Garrido leads three ambitious research projects in architecture, whose results can be extremely useful for the future of humanity.

Moon City (Design of a self-sufficient city in the Moon)
Desert City (Design of a self-sufficient city in the Namib desert)
Proyecto 33 BIP VIP (An architectural legacy for future architects)