Luis De Garrido Multimedia Design
The integration of telecommunications and multimedia technologies in architecture and in the structure of the global system of cities is of great interest to Luis.
Multimedia technologies are able to provide a new dimension to architecture, because they change our concept of physical space and dilute it, in the new virtual world, giving occupants new ways of interacting with the building. At the same time multimedia technologies are able to modify the layout of cities and towns, since the distance among different villages, and different areas of the city, is no longer a limiting factor of interaction for the people that live there.
In this sense Luis De Garrido designs, in varying degrees, multimedia buildings that vary in their appearance continuously, according to the changes that may occur in the environment (lighting, temperature, humidity, noise, weather conditions, ionization … ), and according to the personal circumstances of the occupants. These buildings are thus able to regulate emotions and feelings both of its occupants and observers from the outside.
The multimedia component of the buildings designed by Luis allow for new forms of dialogue with people, and gives them the information they need at all times. As a result these people have a sense of personal growth and oneness with the built environment.