Anonymous-II Eco-House
Anonymous-II Eco-House
House made with a single 20-foot container, ecological, bioclimatic and self-sufficient, with real zero energy consumption
New York City. US
PhD. Architect: Luis De Garrido
15 sqm
3,000 – 9,000 – 37,000 euro (depending on equipment)
1. Objectives
Anonymous-II Eco-House is designed as a selfless donation of Luis De Garrido to Anonymous movement.
The goal is to build an anonymous, global, self-sufficient, ubiquitous, mobile home, networked, and can be used by anyone who needs it.
Luis De Garrido has built the first prototype in Barcelona, but the idea is that anyone can build it anywhere on the planet, as the complete and detailed project has been donated by Luis De Garrido for free, and circulates freely in the global network.
Anonymous-II Eco-House can serve as a model to reconstruct the habitats destroyed by natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, rains, tsunamis, …), because it is very affordable and allows to be self-built due to its simplicity. Similarly, using various Anonymous houses complex structures and compact housing blocks can be built.
Luis De Garrido has created a nonprofit association for several of these prototypes in Haiti, and thereby assist in its reconstruction, completely disinterested.
2. Description of AnonymouI-II Eco-House
Anonymous-II Eco-House has been built with one container of 20 feet (6 meters), and has a floor area of 15 m2.
Inside Anonymous-II Eco-House is a unique space of about 14 m2 of floor space, able to meet all the needs of its occupants. The house has been designed to be occupied for one or two people.
3. Key Features
3.1. House anonymous, free and ubiquitous, and can be used for every people in the world, and specially for Anonymous movement members.
The Anonymous movement. and similar others, are essential for the evolution of our society.
For various reasons, currently the balance of power that has allowed the foundation of a state fair and equitable society has been eroded. The balance between legislative, executive and judiciary power has been damaged by the real power of capital and information, which have colluded with any of them. Lack of preparation and morality of much of the current legislative politics has accelerated this imbalance, leaving capital out of control. And last but not least, as a result, has become the value system of much of our society.
For this reason a new independent real power, who files directly in the same citizenship, and resolve and compensate the various imbalances that may arise is needed. This new power must be anonymous (like the capital) in order to be effective, and must be reconfigured dynamically at all times. Current movements like Anonymous- are the first manifestations of this new power.
This new power is not pyramidal or centralized. It is a decentralized and anonymous power that lies and manifests itself in the bowels of the new social networks. There are not leaders because it is an anonymous power. There are not personal interests, since the power is in the network. There are not no economic interests as there are no beneficiaries.
It’s actually an anonymous power that reconfigures and acts on each occasion required, to restore a social balance.
Luis De Garrido wish to collaborate with the network Anonymous donating an equally anonymous house to be used any time, for any of its members. It be built by anyone, anywhere in the world. No owner. Anyone can do it and let anyone to live in it -during the needed time- as collaborate with the Anonymous network members.
Anonymous-II Eco-House a virtual housing available online permanently, and can be built at any time, anywhere in the world. Its construction cost is so low that it is actually available to anyone.
It is important that all copies of Anonymous-II Eco-House that could exist throughout the world must have the same design. Thus, they can be easily identified, and therefore anyone can use it and work together with the Anonymous network.
3.2. House redundantly connected to the world wide network
To access inside Anonymous-II Eco-House only a password is needed, which changes continuously, to prevent access by unauthorized persons is required.
The house has all kinds of systems connected to the high speed network. The connection systems are redundant and can use any hardware, and the highest possible bandwidth and speed.
Have a standalone system satellite connection and it is self-sufficient in terms of energy, ensuring its permanent network connection. Finally, given that housing can move and move easily, hampers the maximum detection.
3.3. House of low cost and high quality
The cost of building Anonymous-II Eco-House is variable, depending on the economic and social environment in which it is located, and equipment that incorporates.
The cost of the full version is 37,000 euros, including generating system solar photovoltaic (2 kw. Peak), the system generating hot water, and the system of treatment, recycling and purification of rainwater and wastewater.
The cost of building the house without the technological equipment is 9,000 euros.
The estimated cost of self-constructed a basic version is about 3,000 euros. This version is perfect for solving the housing problems of needy countries, or for urban reconstruction after whipping from natural disasters.
3.4. House built with one 20-foot container
The Anonymous-II housing Eco-House has been built with only one 20-foot container, and has a floor area of 15 m2. The interior space and equipment is sufficient to ensure the welfare of one or two persons living permanently inside, or for 3 or 4 people who can work in any way.
3.5. House quickly constructible and detachable
Anonymous-II Eco-House can be built in only three weeks, and it is actually so small that it does not need removed. Yes, the interior furniture can be disassembled in just a few hours and you can go back up (with the same configuration above or any other) in the same period.
3.6. House easily movable
The house has wheels, so just be towed to move it. Once you want to place permanently, just the wheels lock and anchored to the ground. Furthermore the lower metal fins to improve their open bioclimatic behavior.
It is essential that housing park with a perfect orientation, in order to consume the best possible energy.
3.7. House easily expandable
The property can be extended very easily, simply juxtaposing more containers, beside or above. This way you can build even housing blocks tall.
3.8. House flexible and reconfigurable
The interior of the house has been designed with great care, and indeed its structure was performed using a set of furniture beside each other. This furniture can be relocated differently, depending on the specific needs of its occupants. Also the bed and the table are foldable, so simply unfold when necessary, and at other times remain hidden, leaving the interior space. The furniture in the kitchen, shower and sink are also removable and relocatable, due to anchoring systems and hoses designed for this purpose.
Thus, each space can have several alternative functions throughout the day. At one point the home can become a workspace, or a home, or anywhere else, as appropriate.
3.9. House thermally self-regulated with very low power consumption
Due to its special architectural design, Anonymous-II Eco-House is able to self-regulate heat, with little energy consumption. That is, tends to warm herself in winter and cool in summer itself without energy consuming devices.
Specifically, Anonymous-II Eco-House have used the following bioclimatic strategies:
1.1. Heat Generation Systems
The house is heated by itself in winter, in three ways:
1. Avoiding cool. Due to its high thermal insulation (projected onto the container, and its outer shape replicating insulating layer), and having large glass surfaces only south.
2. Warming naturally. Due to careful and special bioclimatic design, and perfect south facing house is heated by greenhouse effect and direct sunlight. Similarly, stays hot for a long time, due to its high thermal inertia.
3. Using a heater 500 w. powered by solar photovoltaic (Will only be used in specific cases, when the greenhouse is not enough).
1.2. Fresh Generation Systems
The house itself cool in summer, four modes:
1. Avoiding hot. Due to good thermal insulation; providing most of the surface glazed south; and having sunscreens for direct and indirect solar radiation (a type different for each of the holes with different orientation protection).
2. Cooling down naturally. Architectural system by air cooling using the container base and the space between the container and soil. It passing air ventilation ensures these spaces allow air at the same temperature that is inside the house without energy loss. Similarly, this system is sufficient to thermally self-regulating living in temperate climates.
3. Accumulating the cool of the night. Due to the high thermal inertia of the house, and its exterior insulation, accumulated overnight in summer (inside the house), stays cool during almost the entire day.
4. Extracting the hot air out of the house by two solar chimneys. The air inside warms up during the day, and thus becomes less dense and rises. When ascending, allows fresh air from the underground galleries, including housing. Furthermore, solar chimneys extract hot air from inside the housing, creating a suction current. As a result, a rising stream of fresh air, which keeps the house cool at all times is generated.
5. Accumulation systems (heat or cool). The heat generated during the day in winter accumulates in the interior (due to the high thermal inertia of the containers), keeping warm overnight housing. Similarly, fresh overnight generated in summer accumulates in the mass of containers, keeping cool the housing during the day. The roof garden high thermal inertia, reinforces this process.
6. Natural ventilation. Anonymous ventilation-II Eco-House is continuously and naturally through the surround, allowing adequate ventilation without energy loss. This type of ventilation is possible since all materials are breathable (including external insulation).
3.10. House self-sufficient in energy
Anonymous-II Eco-House self-sufficient in energy, ie not need any external power supply.
This energy self-sufficiency has been achieved by several complementary strategies:
1. Making optimal bioclimatic design to minimize energy requirements. In the design of housing have been used all kinds of bioclimatic strategies to achieve that consumes the least amount of energy, illuminate naturally, is ventilate naturally, and self-regulating heat, every day of the year. As a result of this special design, housing cools itself in summer (no need to refresh mechanical devices), and tends to heat itself in winter (just needs heating systems). Similarly, daytime lights housing naturally, every day of the year, without artificial lighting.
2. Incorporating in housing appliances only essential, and that are of very low power consumption. Similarly, all luminaires housing are leds lighting, very low power consumption.
3. Incorporating photovoltaic solar collectors to generate the little electrical energy needed housing (2 kw. Peak).
4. Incorporating a thermal solar collector to generate domestic hot water needed housing.
So many thermal solar collectors such as photovoltaic solar collectors are available, fully integrated manner, on the roof of the house. This can be deployed only when needed, and when the housing is in use. At any other time the captors are folded on the roof of the house. When the sensors are deployed generate a shaded space and an air mattress, which protect the housing from solar radiation and rain, and protect the upper outer insulation of the PMO. All this at the lowest possible price.
3.11. House self-sufficient in water
Anonymous-II Eco-House is self-sufficient in water. You can park anywhere there is water and stock autonomously. Any kind of water is good, because the house has all the technological means to recycle and purify it.
The house can charge all its deposits with potable water for use in an emergency. Similarly housing can move easily, when necessary, looking for alternative water sources.
Water self-sufficiency has been achieved by several complementary strategies:
1. Picking up any water that is at your fingertips. Whether from the lake, the sea, a pool, a rainwater downpipe, from a public source.
2. Collecting rainwater falling on the roof.
3. Collecting gray water generated by the housing itself (sink, sink, shower and sink).
4. Decanting, filtering and storing water collected by the three previous media.
5. Purification and naturalizing the stored water through reverse osmosis membrane and triple anti-bacteria systems (which governs the characteristics of the resulting water by means of an electronic processor).
Thus housing needs no network connection to the water supply. The resulting water is mineral water with a mineral content chosen by the user.
3.12. Living with the maximum possible ecological level
All decisions made in the design and construction of Anonymous-II Eco-House have been aimed at maximum compliance with the 6 pillars that green architecture is based.
– Optimization of resources
– Reduction of energy consumption
– Use of alternative energy sources
– Reduction of waste and emissions
– Improving health and welfare
– Reduced price of the building and maintenance
Luis De Garrido Architects
Dream Green Architecture
Luis De Garrido
Máster en Arquitectura. Máster en Urbanismo. Doctor Arquitecto. Doctor Informático. Doctor en Historia del Arte. Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad San Martín de Porres.
00 34 96 322 33 33
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